Natural Disaster


Preparations should be considered and made in advance so that you are equipped with necessary supplies and a plan of action for a major earthquake when it happens. No warnings are available. Emergency services, such as 911, may not be available for several days after a major earthquake. Become familiar with your immediate work area.

During an earthquake, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, nearest to the center of the building. Stay away from windows or glass doors, as well as file cabinets or other heavy furniture that may fall. Do not attempt to leave the building. If you are already outside when the earthquake begins, move to an open area, staying away from any exterior windows or areas with overhead wires or potential falling debris.

If you are in an elevator in a 5-story building, it is designed to go to the nearest floor and open its doors. If you are in an elevator in the 3-story building or in a parking structure, the cab will be stopped by an earthquake-sensing device. Do not panic and do not attempt to pry the doors open. Trained elevator technicians will be alerted to release you from the elevator.

After the initial earthquake is over, perform a headcount, conduct search and rescue if necessary, and administer first aid where needed. If evacuation is appropriate, use the stairs rather than the elevators. Be prepared for aftershocks and follow the directions as noted above when they occur. Be prepared to follow the instructions of the emergency responders.


When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a winter storm condition, etc. A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are present that can produce the particular weather phenomenon. A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken to enhance safety.

Except in very rare circumstances, and while any of the above conditions are likely, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Property Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should adhered to:

  • Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass).
  • Do not panic.
  • If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you.
  • If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows.
  • Use the stairwells rather than the elevators.
  • If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so.


While tornadoes are not common in the area, and are relatively small when they do occur, be advised that in most cases advance warning of a tornado is unlikely. For this reason, if a tornado is sighted approaching the building, please notify the Property Management Office and begin moving office staff to the interior corridors and elevator lobbies of the building. One of the greatest dangers will be that of flying glass and objects, so please attempt to select a location that has the maximum number of walls to the exterior of the building.

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